health weight loss

Lose weight in 3 easy steps

To resonate below tweet, there are actually 3 easy steps to follow in order to lose the extra weight (or simply FAT I would say) in your body.

  1. Cut the carbs
  2. Eat more meats
  3. Cut 1-2 meals (fasting!)

Cut the carbs actually solve the craving issue. Carbohydrate kind of messing with your mind, and hence making you to eat more carbs. Therefore, it must be eliminated! That’s why many people like the ice cream so much!

All these are carbs: Rice, noodles, biscuit, bread, cake, ice cream, bun, potato, pizza.

Ok, next, eat more meats, they are filling/satiating and rich with protein and fat. Ever heard about essential amino acid and fatty acid? Yes they are from protein and fat.

You got it right, there is no essential carbohydrate!

Last, do fasting. Our body indeed need some good rest everyday. Food digestion is too tiring. Let our body rest and do any cell fixing while we are fasting.

The straight forward way? Skip the breakfast first. It is intermittent fasting.

Easy to follow above 3 steps, right? Let’s do it.